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25 février 2009

Un professeur belge en Chine

A ses yeux, la Chine est un pays mystérieuse, compliqué, très contradictoire, et plein de changements continuels. '' La surprise nous attend toujours au coin de la rue !'' dit-il. Ce n'est pas vrai ?

Bien qu’il y ait des contradictions et des conflits culturels parfois entre l'Europe et la Chine, c'est un pays qui mérite l'attention de tous et il faut que l'on essaie de comprendre mieux nous, les Chinois... mais aussi que les Chinois essaient de mieux comprendre ce que les Européens pensent ! Il faut dialoguer, c'est la chose la plus importante, être prêt à changer d'avis et à affronter ce qui nous fait peur, nous dérange ou nous déstabilise. C'est la seule façon d’avancer et d'éviter les guerres !

I open a blog here:<br /><br /> <br /> Princess, welcome here for a cup of coffee, um.... maybe also desserts, if you make and bring with them ^_^
I open a blog here:<br /><br /> <br /> Princess, welcome here for a cup of coffee, um.... maybe also desserts, if you make and bring with them ^_^
Princesse, I read the article and share the point. This comment is written to show my commendation. ^_^<br /> <br /> Despite the magnificent culture and history and such along with our China, sometimes we, esp I, would simply ignore the greatness underneath the grand surface of a millenary nation.<br /> <br /> But when confronted with milestone decisions, we begin to take a close look at the familiar land, the environment, economic or political around us, compare them with the foreign ones, searching for fashionable support about an international circumstance. Then suddenly, a new china, an open china in vigor and vitality, full of opportunity and challenge, bursts into our mind, take control of our sense. We realize how much we love the country, the landscape, the custom, the folks, and all. <br /> <br /> Truth lies everywhere. <br /> For the lookers, they are surely around the corner to deeply understand the potential of this nation. The may yell, they may screech, but they scare. People with culture form invisible boundaries. They interact with China through merely interfaces, i.e. us, you and me. What we face is not only a challenge for us, but also a choice with far-reaching impacts on those around us. But we choose to strive, that's cool.<br /> <br /> For the participants, meanwhile, opportunities gushes as well as deflections, forcing them to be open themselves at first. A China come into into an new era, news emitting day and night, alarming the fast pace of growing and developing . We, again, the participator, shoulder the responsibilities of promoting the state and share the obligations to seek for our fortune. What we do, strive, is cool.<br /> <br /> Surely, we live in a great country, one that tagged by mysterious, complicated, contradictory, and imbued with constant changes. Culture provide us with solid foundation. Dilligence is our good weapon. We have entered a prosperous age, mass treasure of opportunity. The China today have furnished us with all favorable factors to win.<br /> <br /> We will accomplish the task to "change their minds and confront what we fear we disturb or destabilize us", with dialogue, with confidence <br /> and with achievement.